How to start a presentation - The 5 best openers

September 4, 2023

Starting a presentation can be nerve-wracking. In just a few seconds, your audience decides whether they want to listen or daydream about their next vacation. But don’t worry; I’ve got your back! In this article, I’ll share my 5 favorite ways to kick off your presentation and grab your audience’s attention.

Let’s dive in!

Opener #1: The Surprising Fact

An effective way to start your presentation is to share an unexpected statistic or surprising factThat fact should be related to your topic, have this novelty factor, and be delivered with emphasis. Take your time, let it sink in, and watch your audience lean in!

“400 times… The average office desk has 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat.”

But even if you don’t have a mind-blowing fact, no worries; here’s another one.

Opener #2: The Imaginary World

You can start your presentation by inviting your audience to imagine a certain situation. Set the scene, evoke emotions, and then relate it to your topic.

“Imagine sharing a major presentation with your boss.
You’ve put hours into creating these beautiful slides. After the presentation, you look at them with eyes wide open, ‘So what do you think?’
But they respond with a nonchalant, ‘Hmm… Yeah, alright. Thanks for putting this together.’
Your heart sinks; you’re thinking, ‘What the heck?’
Today, ladies and gentlemen, we’re gonna talk about how to give constructive feedback.”

Opener #3: The Poll

A poll is a great tool to engage with the audience but also to understand the composition of your audience. Based on how people respond, you can tailor your content to make it more relatable.

Quick show of hands…

  • Who of you has been with our company for less than a year?
  • Who has been here between 1 year and 3 years?
  • Who has been here for more than 3 years?”

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Opener #4: The Engaging Quote

One of the easiest ways to grab your audience’s attention is by using a powerful quote. But don’t go for the same old Albert Einstein or Steve Jobs quotes that we’ve all heard a million times. Pick something relevant, simple, and not too well-known. Surprise your audience with a fresh perspective.

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” – Bill Gates

Alright, onto the last and my favorite way to start a presentation.

Opening #5: The Captivating Story

The most captivating way to start your presentation is to include a short story. That story should ideally be personal (your story), relatable, and emotional.

“Just two weeks ago, I had an encounter that completely changed my thinking. That day, I wasn’t feeling great, but I went to my coffee shop around the corner to get my daily Chai Latte. 
Right when I got my card out to pay, the owner, Joe, said, ‘All good. This one is on the house.’
Confused, I asked him, ‘Why?’
He replied, ‘Because you deserve it!’
He made my day that. And as I was sipping my free Chai Latte, I was wondering, ‘When do we reward our customers proactively for their loyalty?’ Today, dear colleagues, we’re gonna talk about how to surprise our customers.


If storytelling feels a bit daunting, don’t worry. I’ve got something for you. I’ve just recorded a video on How I’d learn storytelling if I could start over. It’s packed with juicy tips that will help you become a magnetic storyteller. Check it out now!
