3 Storytelling techniques to Deliver Unforgettable Stories

September 25, 2023

Ever wondered what differentiates average stories from great stories?

In this article, I’m gonna give you 3 storytelling techniques to move your stories from ok to wow.

Let’s dive in!

Storytelling Technique #1: Start right into the action

The best storytellers bring us into the story from the first second.

They don’t waste time giving too much context.

They start their story right into the action.

You can do that by having your character do any sort of action — walking, biking, reading, you name it.

For example:

  • “It’s May 2019. Dinuka steps into her manager’s office and gives him a letter.”
  • “2 weeks back, I was on my bike, singing out loud, ‘Dancing Queen’ from Abba.”
  • “June last year, I hopped on my couch to turn on the TV.” 


By starting your story with forward momentum, you’re bringing your listeners into the story.

The’ll be hooked, immediately, wanting to know where this is going.

Onto the next one: If you master that skill, you’ll be in the top 1% of great storytellers.”

Storytelling Technique #2: Show, don’t tell

The best stories are emotional. Everyone agrees on that.

But most people, when they share emotions, they tell how the character felt. They use words like happy, sad, disappointed, nervous, etc.

While this is a great starting point, we can do better.

  • Instead of saying “My boss was pleased,” say “My boss patted me on my back with a big smile on his face.”
  • Instead of saying “I got very nervous,” say “My legs started trembling, and my entire face turned red.”
  • Instead of saying “Robin was very surprised with the results.”, say “Robin stood there with eyebrows raised and mouth wide open.”


See? The difference is, instead of TELLING the emotion, SHOW the emotion. Show how the body or face changes when experiencing that emotion.

It’s a small tweak that makes the story instantly more visual.

How do you find the right words to show an emotion?

Just ask yourself: how do I react physically when I experience a certain emotion? What happens to my body or face when I’m sad, happy, etc.? Or, alternatively, think how one of your friends or family members physically reacts when experiencing a certain emotion. For example, when some people get angry, they yell whereas others become silent and clench their teeth. 

But to give you a starting point, here are the physical reactions to some of the most common emotions.

Show, don't tell

Storytelling technique #3: Use dialogue

The best stories transport your listeners into the story’s world.

They should see the scene in their heads, feel the emotions, and actually experience the story as if it were happening to them.

One technique to do that is to use dialogue or the exact words of that moment.

For example:

  • Instead of saying “My mum was very disappointed with me,” say “My mum said, ‘Philipp, you’re a disgrace to this family.’”
  • Instead of saying “In the end, my client got $3M in funding,” say “My client called me and said, ‘Eric, we just got the $3M in funding. Thank you so much!’”
  • Instead of saying “My coworker complimented me in front of the team.”, say “At that moment, my coworker stood up and said, ‘I wanted to give a shout out to Nithya. She’s the reason we’ve made it this far.’”

See? It’s a small modification, but it makes a massive difference to your story.

What if you can’t remember the exact words that were used in specific situations? Here you have some creative freedom. Think what could have been said in the moment. What are the words that you, your boss, or your client could have used in this crucial moment? Try to use words that are sharp and trigger an emotional response.


These are the 3 storytelling techniques to deliver unforgettable stories. Try them out in your stories and experience the their incredible impact.

If storytelling feels a bit daunting, don’t worry. I’ve got something for you. I’ve just recorded a video on How I’d learn storytelling if I could start over. It’s packed with juicy tips that will help you become a magnetic storyteller. Check it out now!
